Pay periods include weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly and monthly. The BN6500 is a fingerprint time clock terminal that connects to the uAttend cloud system. The time clock can handle up to 5,000 employees. It connects to the Internet via LAN and Wi-Fi. Setup is quick and easy with plug-and-play technology. One way to clock in to the uAttend system is using a timeclock. uAttend Employee Management System Fingerprint Time Clock BN6500 - Picture 1 of 3. Employees clock in and out for work and can start and end breaks, transfer departments, and track jobs, all right from the clock. uAttend Employee Management System Fingerprint Time Clock BN6500. Hardware includes fingerprint reader, AC power cord and large color customizable display. The uAttend JR2000 touch tablet time clock allows employees to clock in and out using fingerprint, RFID card, tag, or PIN code. Allow employees to punch from the time clock, the web, a smartphone or the telephone. Save yourself time by empowering your employees to help manage your workforce with customizable access to the cloud. Eliminate buddy punching with biometric time clocks.
uAttend gives you the flexibility to create rules for lockouts, rest and meal breaks, and overtime to ensure your business remains compliant and your employees are paid appropriately for their time. Save time and money with a system that streamlines manual time card calculations and daily employee. The BN6500 requires monthly subscription to function. It works by plugging it directly into your router. The uAttend's BN6500 offers you a cloud-based time clock that helps eliminate buddy punching with its advanced biometric fingerprint technology.